The current model MAFFS II System includes all of the features of the original system plus:
  • Designed in close coordination with US Forest Service, US Air Force, and Lockheed Martin
  • Upgraded 3,000 US gallon capacity
  • Onboard air compressors use aircraft power to allow for in-flight tank pressurization and untethered operations with far shorter ground servicing time
  • Retardant now delivered from an S-duct installed in the paratroop door on the side of the aircraft
  • All doors remain closed and the aircraft stays sealed and pressurized which eliminates drag and increases aircraft performance
Continued support of our operator partners who choose to operate the legacy systems.
  • 2,700 US gallon capacity
  • Roll on / roll off system can be installed or removed in under an hour with no structural modifications to the aircraft
  • Enables aircraft flexibility and multi-mission capability
  • Retardant delivered from the lowered cargo door in rear of the aircraft
  • Trailer and necessary ground support equipment included for storage and installation
  • OEM Service Bulletins and USAF TCTOs apply


Airbus C295

Embraer KC390

Leonardo C27J

Lockheed Martin C-130H

Lockeed Martin C-130H30

Lockheed Martin C-130J

Lockeed Martin C-130J30